Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Life In Papua New Guinea - 1069 Words

Long ago, us humans were using stone tools. This â€Å"Long ago† was the 1960s, in Papua New Guinea. Why was it the people of Papua New Guinea were still using stone tools, but places like Europe were developing planes, cars, and other technologically advanced machines? The big factor to inequality was geography. Europeans were given certain very important geological advantages, being flourishing crops with bountiful harvests, hardy animals rich with protein, an invisible weapon the Europeans didn’t know they had in germs, and strong, flexible steel, they abused the power of all of these gifts to dominate the world, and take the resources of places they dominated. A must for any developing civilization is a steady, reliable food source, which†¦show more content†¦Papua New Guinea, however, wasn’t so lucky, as the people of Papua New Guinea didn’t have enough food to feed work animals, even if there was work animals available for them. The Europeans, living in such close proximity with their animals, undoubtedly picked up smallpox, and this virulent disease spread through the entire population of the Europeans, slowly killing them off. The Europeans who survived, however, were able to have children, this new generation of Europeans had an innate resistance to smallpox, but were still able to carry it. This carrying of the dormant disease was exactly what allowed the Spaniard Conquistadors to decimate the Andes dwelling Incas, who raised the llama, but rarely interacted with the llama. This â€Å"never touching† effect with Incas and llamas made the Incas not immune to smallpox, and, when the Conquistadors brought it with them, an invisible army of chariots known as smallpox decimated the Inca, wiping them out to the point of 5% of their population was left when the Spaniards finally arrived. Steel was the final factor on how the Europeans were able to destroy, conquer, and appropriate the resources of other, rivaling or new countries. With steel, Europeans could make steel swords, which, due to its strength and flexibility, could easily overpower and slice through copper, bronze, or gold shields, swords, and armor, which the Inca used when the conquistadors assaultedShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Environmental Degradation On The Environment1677 Words   |  7 Pagesonly a risk to a certain biome, but all of the diversity that exists within a certain region - a good example of this being Papua New Guinea. The rainforest of Papua New Guinea are incredibly rich and diverse environments; the rainforest not only houses a wide variety of plant and animal species, but is also home many indigenous groups. 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